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Textile recycling forecast to grow
Friday, June 26, 2009

Textile and clothing recycling is set to grow following recent European Union legislation.

A revised Waste Framework Directive (WFD) introduced on 12 December 2008 classifies textiles as a "priority waste stream" because the recycling is said to bring with it significant environmental and economic benefits, according to a report from specialist business information company Textiles Intelligence.

Recycling in the textile and clothing sector can take several forms. The best-known method involves textiles or clothing made from recycled consumer waste such as plastic bottles or waste polyester yarns or fabrics. Waste textiles and clothing can also be used in other applications - for example they can be shredded into fibres for sound insulation. Some fabrics may be re-used for “eco-fashion”.

The report adds that although recycling only involves a handful of prominent international textile and clothing companies at present, textile recycling is well supported commercially by numerous industry associations and politically by government initiatives in many of the world's largest economies. Ísland verði þátttakandi í loftslagskerfi ESB
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