Mr. Danger the truth!

Mr. Danger (Geir Haarde),


Thank you very much for this program.  I“m very impressed with your work and think you are a great guy.  How you have flushed the Icelandic króna down the toilet is one of your best work in a long time.  Now the aluminum companies can pay Icelandic people 50% less salery.   This means that the big foreign companies you and many others have invited to Iceland get their factories for free over period of 40-50 years.  Or you can say that they get 2 for 1 deal plus the cheapest electricity in the world.

Your half blind evil twin brother, Mr. Helgi Hjörvar, is also helping you to give foreign companies good deals here in Iceland.  Giving/leasing Icelandic power plants to them is a brilliant idea.  Then you can use all this money to help the banks to pay of foreign debts.  You could also use this money to start Icelandic army and secret service.  You will need it when the Icelandic people understand how much you have stolen from them.

























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L O L - žś ert heitur žessa dagana, kęri vinur.

Gullvagninn (IP-tala skrįš) 25.9.2008 kl. 09:33

Bęta viš athugasemd

Ekki er lengur hęgt aš skrifa athugasemdir viš fęrsluna, žar sem tķmamörk į athugasemdir eru lišin.


Björn Heiðdal
Björn Heiðdal
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